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The pride of being part of a company awarded for its vision of the future.

200 registered patents Innovation since 1963Innovation and technology protected by more than 200 registered patents. Functionally and technologically innovative solutions developed thanks to fervent research activities and tests conducted by our team of skilled technicians, experts in devising ideas and applying them to mechanical engineering.

Wipo Award Roma 4 October 2010Awarded to Gino Rapparini, President of ICA SpA, in recognition of “his entrepreneurial activities in the industrial packaging sector”.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a Geneva-based specialized agency of the United Nations created in 1974. With its 184 member states, it aims “to encourage creative activity, to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world”.
Gino Rapparini, President of ICA SpA was awarded the WIPO Outstanding Inventor award “in recognition of his entrepreneurial activities and innovations in the industrial packaging sector”. The awards ceremony took place in Rome, on October 4, 2010 during the Eight Annual WIPO Forum, organized in collaboration with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office.

ICT Innovation Award 6 June 2012ICA SpA Winner of the ICT Emilia Romagna Innovation Award for the “Management systems, Business Intelligence and CRM” category.
The award was given for the business innovations implemented by ICA SpA in customer relationship management, thanks to its technological partner Innovatech Italia and the use of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.